A legal perspective of Covid-19 in Mauritius

The Covid-19 pandemic has not only caused a serious concern to peopleโs health but has drastically changed our economic, social and business environments. Mauritius has imposed a total lockdown since 24 March with a view of ensuring the safety of the population and to prevent the spreading of the virus since the first three cases […]
Are employers obliged to pay employees salaries/wages during the national lock-down?

There is no doubt that the national lock-down announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 23 March 2020 has caused serious consternation to both employers and employees and chief amongst these are the financial difficulties caused for both employees and employers in various sectors. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused many employees to question whether or not […]
The effect of Covid-19 and business resilience

Companies worldwide are and will inevitably be affected in the short and medium-term by the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). Decline in commodity prices due to the falling demand in China, travel restrictions, city and provincial quarantines, confinement of people willingly or by force to their homes, and the reduced job mobility affect the trade of goods […]