LEX Africa has in the past few years adopted a CSR Programme. Says Pieter Steyn, Chairperson of LEX Africa, “We realise the need for all businesses to have due regard to the community and societies in which they operate and to support and make meaningful contributions to worthy organisations. This is particularly the case in developing countries where there remain significant social and developmental challenges”. In recent years, LEX Africa has supported the following organisations –
- LEX:lead, an organisation which supports students from least developed countries. LEX Africa has supported law students from Sierra Leone, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda and Ghana – see www.lex-lead.org;
- The Chapter One Foundation, an organisation which promotes and protects human rights, human right defenders, constitutionalism and the rule of law in Zambia.
- Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, an organisation that protects and defends human rights in Zimbabwe – see www.zlhr.org.zw;
- The Southern African Litigation Centre, an organisation that promotes human rights and the rule of law in Southern Africa – see www.southernafricalitigationcentre.org;
- A Legal Aid Clinic supported by the Uganda Law Society – see www.uls.or.ug;
- The Orate Africa Trust based in Botswana which facilitates the development of oratory talent in various African countries – see www.orateafrica.com
- The Art of Music Foundation in Kenya which uses classical music as part of its programmes for underprivileged children and young adults in Eastern Africa – see www.artofmusic.co.ke.
Steyn notes that “LEX Africa will continue to implement its CSR Programme with a key focus on projects and organisations in Africa”.